What is a bully?
• A person who teases
• A kid that hurts your feelings and calls you names
• A mean person
• Someone that intimidates you
• Someone that punches you a lot
A bully is someone who does bad things to others repeatedly
What can you do to stop bullying?
• Tell the teacher
• Say ‘Stop it, I don’t like it’
• Stand up for yourself and others
• Use your WITS – Walk away, Ignore it, Tell someone, Stand up for yourself
• Tell your parents
3 Classroom Rules to prevent bullying:
1. Keep your hands and feet to yourself
2. Treat others as you wish to be treated
3. Always use your K4S
What consequences should happen to people who bully?
• Meeting with your parents and Mrs Holt.
• Privilege loss
• Withdrawal from playing times
• Apology