Room 21 Waiuku Primary School

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kimberley's Fire Report

Fire is bad for lots of people.

Candles can start a fire as well. Never let a kid play with lighters.

If there is a fire in your room get down get low and get out fast. If the back of the door is hot don’t open the door if you’re on fire stop what you are doing drop to the ground and roll. If your house is on fire get out of the house and meet your family at the safe meeting place.

If there is a school fire and it is in your class get out of your class quickly.

Fire can kill you.

Nakita's Earthquake Report

Tectonic plates move underground and cause an earthquake.

The tectonic plates move underground and caused an earthquake in Christchurch. In Japan there was a tsunami.

If there is an earthquake, get under the table and cover yourself. If there is a tsunami and you’re in it, don’t hold on to anything, as it is very dangerous and you should go to a high place.

Earthquakes are dangerous and scary.

James' Fire Report

Fire is bad.

Get down
Get low
Get out fast.

Go to safe meeting place.

Dillon's Earthquake Report

Earthquakes happen in a lot of places.

Tectonic plates crash together they float underground and they go on top of each other and when they cross earthquakes happen. Tsunamis happen and people get injured even killed.

Buildings crash down on people. Bricks fall down on cars as well.

Get under a table and put your hand s on head in an earthquake.

Earthquakes are dangerous and they kill people.

Jade R's Earthquake Report

Earthquakes are caused by plates rubbing together.

Under the ground plates rub together and gets really hot and that’s what can make an earthquake.

Buildings can fall down. Roads crack. Houses get broken. Cars get smashed.

If there is an earthquake get your body under the table and hold on to the leg of the table.

Earthquakes are really dangerous. If you are in one stay under the table until the earthquake is over.

Jade P's Earthquake Report

Opening statement.
All earthquakes are caused by plates moving.

There are plates called tectonic plates. They move around underground and if they rub together or go over each other or under it will make an earthquake.

In Japan there was an earthquake. The buildings fell down and people got killed. It was very sad.

If there is an earthquake you go under a table and cover your neck and head with your arms.

When there is a big earthquake they are very, very scary!

Brayden's Earthquake Report

All earth quakes are a caused by plates banging together. One loses its balance.

Earthquakes knock down building. The one in Christchurch knocked the church and other buildings down.
In Japan earth the earth quake was so bad it wrecked a nuclear power plant and killed over a thousand people and caused a tsunami.

When there is an earth quake you need to go under the table.

Earthquakes are dangerous.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Logan's Earthquake Report

Earthquakes are not good.

Earthquakes put cracks in the ground and tear down buildings.

To be safe crawl under the table and cover your head if there is an earthquake.

Earthquakes are very bad for you.

Josh's Earthquake Report

Earthquakes are big and small.

In Japan there was a earthquake and a tsunami. Lots of cars and houses have been damaged.

Get under a table and hold on to a leg of the table if there is an earthquake.

Earthquakes are very scary.

Selena's Earthquake Report

When the plates move they make an earthquake.

The Christchurch earthquake was very bad! Japans tsunami was dangerous! Liquefaction happened all over Christchurch. Japan is very sad.

When the plates move they rub together and get hot. The plates float on melted rock.

If there is an earthquake crawl under the table.

Earthquakes and tsunamis are very, very, very bad

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Matthew's Earthquake Report

Earthquakes are terrible.

There are tectonic plates underground. Sometimes the plates crash together and cause Earthquakes. They can kill a lot of people.

Earthquakes damage a lot of buildings and injure a lot of people. The Christchurch one hit the city people were running down the street.

If there is an earthquakes you must get under a table and cover you head .Then wait for the. Ground to stop shaking because if you go outside you can get killed.

Waiuku hopes no earthquakes happen here.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Campbell's Earthquake Report

All earthquakes scare people.

Sometimes the tectonic plates under the ground go over each other, under each other or rub together. That’s why earth quakes happen.

Earthquakes cause lots of damage and buildings fall on people. In Japan there was a big tsunami.

If there is an earthquake you would have to hide under a table and hold on to the table leg.

Earthquakes can kill people.

By Campbell

Shardia's Earthquake Report

Every earthquake shakes the ground.

Plates: Tectonic plates are under the ground. Plates can go under each other or pull apart and that can start earthquakes.

Damage: the Christchurch earthquakes have damage a lot of houses and lots of people are injured In Japan there was a tsunami and lots of people were washed away it was terrible.

Safety: You drop and go under the table and hold on to the table leg then cover your head and neck. Don’t run around screaming. Be smart when there is an earthquake.
Conclusion: Earthquakes are scary.

By Shardia

Jack D's Earthquake Report

Some earthquakes you can’t even feel.


There is a heap of tectonic plates under the ground. About 200,000,000 years ago there was only 1 plate but now there are heaps. The 1 plate cracked into about 40 plates. Scientists found out how or when it cracked.

How to keep safe in an earthquake
If there is a earthquake you go either under a table, under a desk, On the ground with your hands over your head or in a rugby field. Don’t stand up.

In Christchurch there was an earthquake. An Earthquake caused a tsunami in Japan.

Earthquakes are terrible.

By Jack D

Monday, March 21, 2011

Griffin's Earthquake Report

Earthquakes are very dangerous.

Tectonic plates make the earthquake happen by pulling apart or rubbing together.

The tectonic plates also cause damage.
In Christchurch, the big church fell down. In Japan, there was damage, causing a tsunami.

If the earthquake happens, get under a table. Hold on to the leg of the table. Cover your body, so you can be safe.

Earthquakes can kill you.

By Griffin

Jade P's Earthquake Report


Opening statement.
All earthquakes are caused by plates moving.

There are plates called tectonic plates. They move around underground and if they rub together or go over each other or under it will make an earthquake.
In Japan there was an earthquake. The buildings fell down and people got killed. It was very sad.

If there is an earthquake you go under a table and cover your neck and head with your arms.

When there is an big earthquake they are very very scary!

By Jade P

Anna's Earthquake Report

All Earthquakes are terrible.

Plates .
Tectonic plates can rub together and can cause a big earthquake like Christchurch. It is not good so help people.

The Christchurch earthquake was a big earthquake. It killed people. In Japan there came a tsunami. It injured people. Tears came down people faces.

IF there is an earthquake get under a table. Hold onto the leg of the table. Cover your neck and head with your arms too.

Earthquakes are very scary, bad and dangerous.

By Anna

Friday, March 18, 2011

Michelle's Earthquake Report


Opening statement
There are plates underground and they move around. They crash into each other that’s how the earthquake happens.

There are tectonic plates underground. Sometimes the tectonic plates crash or pull apart. They also rub together. They cause earthquakes.

There are heaps of buildings that get damaged by earthquakes. In Christchurch the big enormous church fell down. In Japan had a big enormous tsunami. The tsunami washed the cars and house away.

If there is an earthquake hide under the table and hold on to the table leg.

Earthquakes are horrible

Aroha-nui's Earthquake Report


All earthquakes are terrible

Tectonic plates are plates that are underground and they cause bad earthquakes when they crash into each other.

The Christchurch earthquake made lots of damage and there were lots of injured people.

When an earthquake happens you have to drop, cover your head and go under the table. Hold on to the leg of the table.

Earthquakes are really bad.

Nicole's Earthquake Report


Earthquakes are terrible.

The plates are moving together underground. When the plates move they make a terrible earthquakes. It makes people feel sad and broken heart rain tears.
In Christchurch they had an earthquake and in Japan they had a big, big tsunami. It crushed heaps of people and they died. People were escaping in cars but they were crashed by the tsunami.

If there is an earthquake hop under the legs of the table. Make sure your whole body is covered.

Earthquakes are hurtful and terrible and dangerous. Tsunamis are very dangerous they damage the whole town.

Our Word Mosaic

Mitchell's Earthquake Report


Earthquakes are terrible.

There are tectonic plates under the ground. They float on molten rock. Sometimes the plates rub together and that causes earthquakes.

The damage is horrifying. You would never want to be in an earthquake because it could kill you. In Christchurch nearly 200 people died. And in Japan as well as an earthquake a tsunami hit.

If there is an earthquake go underneath a table and cover your head and neck.

Earthquakes are the scariest thing you have ever seen.

Adam's Earthquake Report



When the plates rub together they cause earthquakes.

In Japan there was a tsunami and an earthquake and the earthquake started the tsunami.

When there is an earthquake you must go under table. Cover your face and hold on to a table leg.

It would be the most terrible day your life if an earthquake happened.

Lexie's Earthquake Report

Earthquakes can crush cars.

When the plates rub together under the earth it causes an earthquake.

Buildings collapse and crush people. In Japan a tsunami hit and a big boat washed up on to a building.

When an earthquake hits stop what you’re doing and get under a table and cover your face if you’re inside. If you’re outside tuck your head in and be like a turtle.

Auckland hopes there’s never an earthquake here.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Earthquakes by Jack B


Earthquakes can kill people

Tectonic plates cause earthquakes by rubbing together.

In Christchurch heaps of buildings have collapsed. In Japan there was an earthquake and a tsunami.

If there is an earthquake drop, get under a table and cover yourself.

Earthquakes are terrible.

By Jack B

Earthquakes Report by Michael

Earthquakes are terrible because they kill people.

The tectonic plates can go up and down or left and right. Two scrape together and one loses its balance which causes an earthquake. The tectonic plates are inside the earth.

The Christchurch earthquake knocked down the church and people’s lives were lost in the earthquake. In Japan a tsunami was caused by an earthquake in the ocean. It washed houses and cars and buildings with it.

If an earthquake happens you have to get under a table with your hands on your head to protect it and hold on to a leg of the table

Earthquakes are terrible because they kill people.

By Michael

Brayden's Voki

James's Voki

Josh's Voki

Nathan's Voki

Selena's Voki

Matthew's Voki


Room 21 has run out of newspaper!

If you have any newspaper at home that we can use to protect our tables when we do art, can you please bring it to school.

Thank you.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Recently headlice have been found in our classroom.

Treatment of headlice is the parents responsibility. Effective control can only come if every home cooperates.

ANYONE can catch headlice and become reinfected.

Regular weekly checking of the hair is the only way to keep the problem under control.

How do you check?
Look for:
1. The live insect
2. Scratching
3. Small, darkish and greyish eggs on the hair, close to the scalp.

Treatment and advice is available from your chemist.

If you are insure about identifying headlice, contact the Public Health Nurse:
Mrs Helen Fellowes
Phone: 09 237 0660
Or you can leave a message at the school for her to contact you.

St John's Safe Kids Programme

To link in with our Firewise programme we will be participating in the St Johns KIDSAFE programme on:

Monday 28 March
Wednesday 30 March and
Thursday 31 March 2011

The cost is a gold coin donation per child ($2 covers all 3 lessons).

We are looking forward to learning about getting help in an emergency and supporting the St John Ambulance Service.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Jack B's Voki

Mitchell's Voki

Dillon's Voki

Nakita's Voki

Caleb's Voki

Griffin's Voki

Jack D's Voki

Michelle's Voki

Shardia's Voki

A report about Waiuku Primary School

Waiuku Primary School is the best school in the world.

There are two playgrounds one is for the year 8 to 5 and the other one is for the year 0 to 4’s.

The principal is Ms. Joplin the queen of all of the teachers. There are 17 teachers and Ms. Holt the deputy principal.

The learning they do is maths, reading, spelling, writing, poem, handwriting and topic too.

There are 21 classrooms at Waiuku Primary School.

It’s the best school ever.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Adam's Voki

Jade R's Voki

Nicole's Voki

Kimberley's Voki

Anna's Voki

Jaidyn's Voki

Jade P's Voki

Michael's Voki

Friday, March 11, 2011

Aroha-nui's Voki

Logan's Voki

Lexie's Voki

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mrs McKay's Voki

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Matthew makes liquefaction!

We have been talking about the Christchurch earthquake. The city is covered with liquefaction, which is when the water underground mixes with silt and sand. Matthew took a sample of mud from his big dirt pile and mixed it with water to make his own liquefaction and bought it to school to show us.