Room 21 Waiuku Primary School

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pink Shirt Day - Anti-Bullying

What is a bully?
• A person who teases
• A kid that hurts your feelings and calls you names
• A mean person
• Someone that intimidates you
• Someone that punches you a lot
A bully is someone who does bad things to others repeatedly

What can you do to stop bullying?
• Tell the teacher
• Say ‘Stop it, I don’t like it’
• Stand up for yourself and others
• Use your WITS – Walk away, Ignore it, Tell someone, Stand up for yourself
• Tell your parents

3 Classroom Rules to prevent bullying:
1. Keep your hands and feet to yourself
2. Treat others as you wish to be treated
3. Always use your K4S
What consequences should happen to people who bully?
• Meeting with your parents and Mrs Holt.
• Privilege loss
• Withdrawal from playing times
• Apology

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nathan's Earthquake Report

The tectonic plates rub together to form an earthquake.

Earthquakes can damage buildings and make them small. Earthquakes are horrible to be in and they make cracks in the road.

Go under a table and hold one hand on the leg of the tables and the other hand on your head

They are terrible.

Caleb's Earthquake Report


Earthquakes are caused by moving plates. There are tectonic plates. If they move they cause earthquakes.

Earthquakes cause lots of damage. In Japan there was a tsunami. It destroyed lots of things. There was an earthquake in Christchurch it was bad.

In an earthquake stop drop and cover. Get under a table and cover your head.

Earthquakes are terrifying.

By Caleb

Jade P's Learning Photo Slide Show

Nakita's Learning Photo Slide Show

Jack D's' Learning Photo Slideshow

James' Learning Photo Slideshow

Campbell's Learning Photo Slideshow

Lexie's Learning Photo Slideshow

Aroha-nui's Learning Photo Slide Show

Mitchell's Learning Photo Slideshow

Monday, April 4, 2011

Thanks Matthew's Mum!

A BIG thank you to Matthew's mum for making us these wonderful painting aprons. Now we will not get paint on our uniforms which will save our parents time on washing!

THANK YOU!!! - The place for profile layouts, flash generators, glitter graphics, backgrounds and codes
Myspace Thank You Comments